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Career Development

The Dingemans group believes in developing well-rounded scientists whose research expands beyond the current bounds of polymer science, and whose character enhances the well-being of the community around them. Through fellowships, conferences, community outreach, and scientific communication, we strive to provide students and researchers with career development opportunities that will prepare them for professional aspirations beyond UNC.



Graduate students Anna Fraser (2019-Fellow), Maria Furukawa (2022-Fellow), and John Migliore (2022-Honorable Mention) received recognition from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP) for their outstanding research proposals and extensive community involvement.  Graduate student Ryan Fox earned the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Research Fellowship (DOE SCGSR) enabling him to perform experiments at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) for a 6 month period.  Graduate student John Migliore accepted an internship at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Wright Patterson Air Force Base to study novel polymer composite materials.  Graduate student Maria Furukawa was selected for the International Research Experience for Students (IRES) in Dresden, Germany to perform Soft Matter Research.

Conferences & Workshops

The Dingemans Group encourages students and scientists to present at local, national, and international conferences.  Recently, graduate student Maria Furukawa attended the Triangle Soft Matter Conference at North Carolina State University.  Graduate student Anna Fraser also attended a 2 week Membrane School at TU Delft (Netherlands).  Graduate students Ryan Fox and John Migliore attended the National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering hosted by Oak Ridge and Argonne National Labs.

Every Fall, graduate students Maria Furukawa and John Migliore help lead a team of graduate students from UNC, NC-State, NCCU, UNC-G, NC A&T and Duke to host the Triangle Student Research Competition (TSRC).

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Community Outreach

The Dingemans Groups believes in utilizing our STEM knowledge to help foster the next generation of scientists.  Throughout the year, graduate student John Migliore works with Science in the Stacks, a STEM outreach organization that performs monthly science presentations for local and under-served North Carolina libraries.  Additionally,  graduate student Maria Furukawa serves as Secretary for the local UNC-CH Materials Research Society Chapter.  The outreach efforts within the group culminate each spring as members of the group routinely participate in the UNC Science Expo hosted by the Morehead Planetarium.


Research Associate Professor Dr. Maruti Hegde, graduate students Ryan Fox and Anna Fraser, and Principal Investigator Dr. Theo Dingemans received distinction from Innovate Carolina for the outstanding research currently taking place in The Dingemans Group.  Also, Dr. Dingemans routinely shares his knowledge of polymer science/engineering with the public at live events such as "Let's Talk Future Materials".

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The Dingemans Research Group @ The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Dingemans group seeks to support diverse students and scientists to promote equity and inclusion in STEM.  We value persons from all backgrounds in order to help foster collaboration and ingenuity within our lab and the scientific community.  We believe in the pursuit of science as a foundation to promote the health and well-being for North Carolina and global communities.


For questions about the website, please contact John Migliore (

Designed by Anna Fraser and John Migliore

©2023 by The(o) Dingemans Group

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